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Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday Afternoon

The Dow is up 48 and the SPX is up 4 and the XLF is up 0.12,  while the Tranny's and the Q's are down and the IWM is down 2.4  This is what is called a confused market.

The sell signal generated Wed and Thursday are still in effect, and a new intermediate Sell signal was generated after the close last night.

There is an interesting story at Zerohedge this afternoon that is highlighting the liquidity concerns in China.  For those of you with long memories, it was liquidity concerns that triggered the financial collapse domestically, and of course internationally.  Mr Market is shrugging this information off at this time, but my guess is that this rally today has started too early and is likely to weaken into the close.

Don't forget to get your stops entered.. This not a market the get trapped on the wrong side.

Best To Your Trading!


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