The first shows the nature of current Federal Spending. Can you say "Parabolic"

The second shows Civilian Unemployed Longer than 27 weeks. Is that a Green Shoot?

This shows the size of the Asset Back Commercial Paper market..... Is it still functioning?

This shows Commercial and Industrial loans at all Commercial Banks...You thought they were lending?

So where have all those Federal Spending dollars gone? Oh, ya'.. here it is on deposit at the Fed. These are the dollars that did not go into the stock market.

Enough of Show and Tell..... I encourage everyone to check out the St. Louis Fed site.. it is free and you will not believe the information they make available.
It is 3:10 and it looks like they are setting up the SPY for a Ramp on the Close scenario... but if the Spy can trade below 130.50 with a closing 5 minute candle, I will post a trade alert.. We may get some action yet this afternoon.
Best To Your Trading!
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