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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wed Afternoon

Dow up 261 as this is written..SPX up 26.11, Dollar down 30 ticks, Euro up a bunch, Gold up $4.20 and Oil up to $86.74.  Looks like the relationships we have come to love.  Problem is, the Equity markets are much stronger than any of of the other correlated markets.

So take your pick.... POMO day, US to support ECB plans (but not finance them... humm?), and GS used to not like the economy, but now likes the economy and told all their clients they are now Bullish and they should buy stock.

 Our Momentum Change indicators are nearing a Buy signal, but as of this moment are still in Sell mode.  It is possible this can change by the close.. we will post our observations after the close.

Good Luck Trading!


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